Top Wine Tech of 2023

The world of wine continues to evolve as technology advances, providing modern winemakers with various innovative tools to enhance their craft. From improved fermentation processes to advanced packaging solutions, the latest innovations provide winemakers, tasters, and fanatics with a newfound control and insight into the fruit of the vine! New wine tech is on the rise!

We have comprised a list of the top 3 best new wine tech products of 2023!

1.  QelviQ

Trvales HQ is proud to announce this years best wine tech!

This year’s best and most innovative new wine tech goes to QelviQ, which is the best personal sommelier! This innovative device brings wine to the ideal serving temperature, advises on food pairings, and manages your wine and inventory. All you have to do is take a photo of the label in our Ask QelviQ app, and they will handle the rest!

The accompanying QelviQ app is downloadable from all app stores and knows the perfect temperature, sending the information to your QelviQ. Hence, it brings your wine or champagne to perfection, keeps track of your inventory, offers you the perfect food pairing options, and will advise you where to find your favorite bottle of wine or champagne you love so much. The perfect gift for the wine lover in your life!

QelviQ comes in 3 colors (Black, White & Red), and with this sommelier, there are over 350 options! The price is $749, but with the combination of tech and craftsmanship, the personal sommelier is well worth the investment!

2. Zazzol 

This handheld device is designed to aerate your wine in the same fashion as the Vinluxe Pro, producing a more flavorful and enjoyable drink. 

The Zazzol Wine Aerator Decanter is a tool that aerates wine within seconds. It is an attractive and well-made item that feels sturdy in hand. The decanter draws the wine through an aerating chamber that oxygenates it before it is poured into a glass.

This allows the wine to open up and release its full flavors, aromas, and complexities. The decanter is available with a 79% discount, reducing the price from $139.99 to $29.97.

3. Vinturi 

Vinturi is an essential wine aerator created to improve the bouquet, flavors, and mouth feel of a glass of wine. It works by injecting air into the wine, creating a larger surface area and allowing the air to be absorbed quickly. The device is 6 inches tall and looks a little like a funnel, and has been tested in blind tastings to reveal the true essence and character of the wine. It has been found to change the taste of wine, particularly in how it feels texturally.

Enjoy A Glass!

Wine technology has come a long way in recent years, and the products and services available today make it easier to enjoy a glass of your favorite vino. From smart sommeliers to precise temperature controls, the world of wine technology is a fascinating field that promises to continue to evolve and offer new, innovative products and experiences in the years to come. Cheers!